The Twilight Breaking Dawn Movie, commonly referred to as Breaking Dawn, is an upcoming 2011/2012 two-part romantic-fantasy film directed by Bill Condon and based on the novel Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. The two parts form the fourth and final installment in the popular The Twilight Saga series.
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
breaking dawn
New Moon ends with vampire Edward proposing marriage to mortal Bella because he won't change her into a vampire, her goal, until they're married. Eclipse is the more violent book with an actual battlefield episode included; Breaking Dawn, however, begins with the two getting married soon after their high school graduation.
Following their wedding, Edward and Bella fly to an exotic private island for their honeymoon. Though author Stephenie Meyer doesn't give details, it's inferred what happens between the newlyweds during this time; this is confirmed when Bella has the dramatic realization as they're leaving a couple weeks later that she's pregnant.
Unlike a normal pregnancy, the child will be half vampire and half mortal since Edward has still yet to turn Bella. The pregnancy is not only happening faster, but it is physically abusive to Bella. The baby rejects all forms of food until they realize what it is that will quench the thirst: blood.